Deed between Stephen & Judith Cox and John Harris
Goochland Co., Virginia 1745
Deed Book 5, page 26-28
This indenture made the Seventeenth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty five between Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife of the County of Goochland of the one part and John Harris of the County aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that whereas John Woodson Late of Henrico County deceased was in his Lifetime Seized of and in one certain tract or parcel of Land Containing Two hundred acres be the Same more or lefs and bounded as followeth (Viz) Beginning on the Stephen Woodson lower line of the River thence down the River half a Mile thence into the Woods at Right Angles from the River to the bark line of the Land Surveyed by William Womack thence on that line till it runes opposite with Stephen Woodson Lower Line thence on that line to the River being the place began at Scituate lying and being in Goochland County on the North side of James River opposite to the Manakin Town and the above said John Woodson being thereof Seized did by his certain Last Will and Testament bearing date the twenty fifth day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifteen, give, devise, and bequeath to his Daughter Judith Woodson and to the heirs of her Body ~ lawfully begotten forever the above mentioned Tract of Land together with all the Appurtenances thereupon and there unto belonging by Virtue whereof the said Stephen Cox having Married the abovesaid Judith Woodson together with his Wife after the decease of her father in and on the afore mentioned Land Entered and was and is thereof Seized and now they the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife stands possessed (having Lawfull Issue of the body of the abovesaid Judith Woodson) and the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife being minded to Sell the aforesaid Tract or Parcell of Land and to Barr the Entails hath lately Send out a Writ in the nature of an Adquod Dam Bearing Date the Eleventh Day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty five. In the nineteenth year of our Sovereign Lord the King now to the Sheriff of the said County Directed whereby he was Commanded that by the Oath of good and Lawfull Men of his County by whom the truth of the matter might be the better known he should diligently enquire if it may be to the damage or prejudice of our said Lord the King or others, or not, if the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife should Sell the said parcel of Land with the Appurtenances and if it be to the damage or prejudice of our said Lord the King or others, then to what damage, to our said Lord the King, to what damage or prejudice to others, and of what Value the said Land is in good and Lawfull Money of Great Brittain, and whether the said Land be a Separate parcel of or contiguous to other Entailed Lands in the possession and Seizin of the said Stephen and Judith his Wife, to Which Writ Isaac Bates Gent. Sheriff of the said County answered, that by the Oath of twelve good and lawfull men of the County aforesaid, who being Sworn and charged upon their Oaths, did Say that it will not be to the damage or prejudice of our said Lord the King, if the said Stephen and Judith his Wife should Sell the said Land and premises with the Appurtenances, in the same Writ mentioned, but that it will be to the damage of the heirs of the Body of the said Stephen and Judith his Wife and of those claiming in Remainder and Revertion, and further the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath a foresaid, did say, the Land and appurtenances in the said Writ mentioned, are of the Value of One hundred and forty pounds of good and Lawfull money of Great Brittain, and no more and is a Separate parcel, and not parcel of, or Contiguous to other Entailed Lands, in the possession and Seizin of the said Stephen and Judith his Wife as by the said recited Writ and return remaining of Record in the Secretarys Office, or fully, and at large, doth, and may appear now this Indenture witnesseth that the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife for in Consideration of the Sum of One hundred and Sixty Pounds Currant money to them in hand paid by the abovesaid John Harris the receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth acquit, and Discharge, the aforesaid John Harris his Heirs Excutors and Administrators, have granted, bargained, Sold, Enfeoff and Confirm, unto the said John Harris his Heirs and Aforsign all that parcell of Land in the above mentioned recited Writ and return Containing Two hundred acres be the same more or less with the ~ Appurtenances, and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders thereof, And all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim and Demand of them the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife of in and to the said Land and every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances To have and to hold the said Lands and premises with the Appurtenances, to the said John Harris and his Heirs and Assigns forever and the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife and their heirs the premises with the Appurtenances to the said John Harris his Heirs and Assignes Shall and will Warrant and for Ever defend by these presets in witness whereof the said Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife hath hereunto Set their Hands and Affixed their Seals the day and Year first above written
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presents of Stephen Cox (seal)
John Woodson
Francis James Judith Cox (Seal)
Robert Boulton
Memorandum. That on the 17th day of March 1745 that given possession and Seizin was had and taken by the within named John Harris from the within named Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife according to the form and Effect of the within written deed of the within Lands and Premises.
In Presents of Stephen Cox (Seal)
John Woodson. Francis James
Robert Boulton. Judith Cox (Seal)
At a Court held for Goochland County March 18. 1745
Stephen Cox and Judith his Wife She being first privately examined acknowledged this Deed with the Livery of Seizin endors'd to be their Act and Deed which was Ordered to be Recorded
Test. Hen. Wood Clk
Amanuensis - A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.