I am delighted this morning to have become a recipient of this award which was initiated by Leslie Ann Ballou of Ancestors Live Here in order to show appreciation for those who write the blogs we read and enjoy. Thank you Bob and Marilyn Lord of Lord And Lady for treating me to this award!
The rules of this award specify to list ten things I've learned about my ancestors that have surprised, humbled, or enlightened me. As the recipient I am to pass the award along to ten other genealogy bloggers that I feel are also deserving of it!
*When I got so busy with less exciting things in my life, I took a break from serious research for almost 2 years. When I forced those encumbrances aside and came back to what I love to do most I was surprised stunned to find the Internet had exploded with a gazillion new databases and I was overwhelmed with all the new sources of information and new clues for me to follow!
*A woman I'd never met, shipped me a package of genealogy on her great grandfather who I strongly suspected was connected to my lineage in some way. I nearly peed my pants when I opened the package and a photo of him slid out! The photo was identical to one in my family's collection! It was of a Civil War soldier, unmarked and unknown. We kept it because we knew he was family but didn't know who he was. This woman's great grandfather was my great, great grandmother's brother!
*I'm surprised that blogging has opened up so many new avenues...very surprised! I thought I was just creating a place for family to come someday (if they EVER get curious about their ancestors...sigh!) and read stories about their kin...see photos and documents. I just wanted to leave something that would make their ancestors REAL.....real people, with real lives....and something more interesting than a hard to understand, boring, dry genealogy report!
*I have been surprised many times when someone has contacted me from a query I put on the Internet 10 years ago...or more!
*I was surprised to find that now when I read all those BEGATS in the Bible, they are actually interesting! I used to skip over that part!
*Humbled when my sister-in-law Rose entrusted all the family photos and documents from her side of the family to my safe keeping.
*Humbled when my great half-aunt Myrtle, at my timid request, shipped me the huge stack of her mother's letters (my great grandmother!), that were written during the depression years, for me to photo copy.
*Humbled at the generosity of genealogists everywhere who love to help and give their time. Humbled to have received this award from my peers!
*Especially humbled when once I had just a few minutes to search an older section of cemetery for my 4th great grandfather and I knew I'd never find his grave in the short time I had. So many rows of stones! I got to the middle of the third row and I suddenly stopped and I said a small prayer...."Lord, you know who I'm looking for and you know how much time I have, please guide me!". I opened my eyes and I looked over my shoulder....about two dozen stones back and about four or maybe five rows over, my eyes fixed on a stone. I couldn't possibly read it from that far but I pivoted and walked all the way to that stone without taking my eyes off of it, and there was my ancestor and his wife next to him!! THAT is humbling! THAT is a miracle!
*Every day that I read the blogs of others I am enlightened about something. I am inspired as well. I read of a database I didn't know of, a source for clues I'd overlooked, always something!
Passing it on...
Cornelia's Genealogy Blog - Cornelia
Black And Red Journal - Terry
Detour Through History - Palms RV
Life From The Roots - Barbara
Stephen's History And Genealogy - Stephen
The Vintage Vignettes - Carole
Where I Come From - Robin
Tennessee Memories - Judy
Random Relatives - Diana
The Genealogy Genie - Jeannie

Congratulations Lisa!
ReplyDeleteBy the way that's a beautiful Funeral Card. I have a few, but I never seen one quite like that. Great find.
What a wonderful surprise to see that you have honored my blog with this award! Thank you so much, Lisa.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Comments were allowed at my blog until I received a lot of spam. :(
Hi Lisa, First, congratulations on your award and I especially enjoyed reading your Surprised Section. I believe the other 9 blogs are new to me, and I look forward in looking at them. On another note, I have decided long ago, not to accept any awards (see my past Looking Backs for the last day of the month), and I will also mention this award on May 31st. The Top 100 Award was a little different. Thank you for thinking of me.