About Amanuensis Monday: John Newmark, who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog started a Monday Blog Theme called "Amanuensis Monday". John defines "amanuensis" as "a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
James Anderson's dates of birth and marriage are as yet unknown. His wife was Margaret Mitchel. James and Margaret's daughter Margaret Anderson married Samuel Grunden on April 27, 1802 in Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania. Their son Joseph married Martha Dungan January 3, 1835 in Butler Co., Ohio. Their daughter Mary Louisa was the subject of my blog: Surname Saturday: GRUNDEN.
The Will of James Anderson:
[Will is in the Register's Office of the County of Huntingdon Book No 2, Page 59.]
"In the Name of God, Amen I James Anderson of West township Huntingdon County and State of Pennsylvania being Weak in body but of sound Mind Memory and Understanding blessed be God for the same but considering the uncertainity of this transitory life Do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following to wit - Principally and first of all I command my Immortal Soul into the hands of God who gave it and my body to the Earth to be buried in a Decent and Christian like Manner at the Discretion of my Executors herein after named and as to such Worldly estate Wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give and dispose of the same in the following Manner to Wit.
In the first place I give and bequeath to Margaret my Well beloved Wife my large Bible and three other books of Divinity such as she may chuse off my books and One bed bedsted and beding suteable for said bed and one cot and the third of the Dresser furniture and My Silver Shoe buckels her Saddle and all her body clothes. And also to be supported off my Real Estate in a suteable Manner till the same is sold--
In the Second place I give and Bequeath to Rebecca my Daughter four Dollars Current Money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
In the third place I give and Bequeth to Elizabeth my Daughter four Dollars Current Money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the fourth place I give and Bequeth to Silas my Son four Dollars Currant Money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the fifth place I give and Bequeath to Ann my Daughter four Dollars Current Money of yhe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the sixth place I give and Bequeth to Margaret my Daughter four Dollars Current money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the Seventh place I give and Bequeath to James my Son my Silver Kneebuckels one pare of Silver Sleeve buttons anf four dollars Current money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the Eight-place I give and Bequeath to Mary my Daughter four Dollars Current Money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the Ninth place I give and Bequeath to Thomas my Son one pare of Silver buttons and four Dollars current money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the tenth place I give and Bequeath to Joseph my son one pare of Silver Sleeve buttons and four dollars Current Money of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the Eleventh place I allow my Executors herein after named to Sell my Real and personal Estate within two Years after my Decease or at any time they may think proper to the best advantage and when said Estate is sold and all my Lawful Debts is paid the remainder I allow to be Equally Divided betwist my wife James Thomas and Joseph my Sons
In the twelfth place I do allow that the aforesaid Bequethments shall be paid within four years after my Real and personale Estate is Sold
In the thirteenth place I give to Joseph my Son my New Great Coat and the rest of my Body Clothes to be Equally Devided betwixt James Thomas and Joseph my Sons
In the fourteenth and last place I nominate constitute and appoint James My Son and William Johnston to be the Executors of this my Will hereby Revoking all other Wills, legacies and bequeath bt me heretofore made and declairing this and no other to be My last Will and Testament.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Second Day of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and ten. "
James Anderson (Seal)
Signed, Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Testator as his last Will and Testament in the presence of Us who in his presence and at his Request have subscribed as Witnesses
William Johnston, Thomas Johnston, William Johnston, Jr.
Tradition is that the Anderson family was of Scots-Irish ancestry. James' father Thomas Anderson who married Ann Allison is said to have been born 1727 in or near the town of McGuire Bridge, County Fermanagh, Ireland; died about 1799. [Family Archive Viewer, CD19 Egles Notes & Queries of PA, 1700-1800, Annual Volume 1899, Notes and Queries - XXXIV, The Learning Company, Inc, Nov 10, 2002. Burial Records From the Old Presbyterian Churchyard, Bedford, Pa.]
Maguiresbridge is a small village in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 774 people. It lies within the Fermanagh District Council area. The town is named after the bridge over the Colebrooke river, first built by the local Maguire family.
The Scottish Anderson Tartan
This is the tartan I wear regularly to Celtic events & Highland Athletic Games
It is said to be the only tartan with seven colors; all others have six. |
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