Mary Elizabeth Darling 1859 - 1922
My maternal great grandmother
Daughter of Samuel and Bessie Beulah Smith Darling
Wife of Robert Noah Runyan |
The Darlings of this line have only been traced back to William Darling and his wife Prissilah Cool (or Cole). William and Prissilah were married on March 18, 1814 in Pennsneck, Salem Co., New Jersey at the home of S. T. Y. Guntin. Their son Samuel Darling married Beulah Smith sometime around 1844 in Salem Co., New Jersey and to that union were born ten children: William Newel, Samuel S., Henry C., Artmezy "Misha", Amanda V., Elijah D., Mary Elizabeth, Emma E., John Quincy, Cora "Corie" A. The first five children were born in New Jersey and the last five were born in Indiana. Their daughter Mary Elizabeth, my great grandmother, married Robert Noah Runyan on March 14, 1880 in Henry Co., Indiana. They had five children and were divorced in 1896. Circumstances surrounding the divorce are the subject of my post earlier this week
"The DIRT on Robert Noah: Caught With Nude Model!"

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