Eleanor Hayden was the wife of Joseph (Blackhead) Logsdon, my husband's paternal third great grandfather. For further information on Joseph Logsdon see my blog
Amanuensis Monday: The Will of Joseph Logsdon. Eleanor's parents were William and Catherine Ensey Hayden.
A collection of notes on William & Catherine Hayden:
William Hayden and Catherine Ensey were both born in 1754. William was the son of John Hayden who came from St. Mary's Co., Maryland and purchased 164 acres of woodland near Westminster, Maryland called "Friendship Completed" on March 17, 1768. William was one of nine Hayden children and the only son. (1,2,5)
Tax lists show William as the head of a household in 1773. In 1783, he owned 134 acres of "Friendship Completed" and his household consisted of seven total inhabitants with him being the only adult male. By 1798, he owned parts of "Friendship Completed" and "Glendorick" and his structures included:
"outhouses, 1 log barn 20 x 40, 1 log stable 20 x 18, 1 log dwelling house 18 x 16, 1 log kitchen 16 x 15, 1 smokehouse 12 x 16, 1 other house 16 x 14, 1 story each." (3)
William Hayden took the "Oath of Fidelity and Support" in Frederick County in 1778. This oath was required as a pledge of allegiance to the State of Maryland and a renunciation of British rule. The U.S. Census returns for 1790 show "William Hyden" with four free, white, males under sixteen years of age, and three free, white females. (4)
William died on January 4, 1802, leaving a will that reads, in part:
"...In the first place it is my will and I do order that sixty four acres of...land of that tract called Glandolick which tract I bought of Stephen Winchester said sixty four acres lying next to Joseph Arnolds and the same to be sold at publick sale and the money arising there from to be applied to my creditors in paying my debts and so much of my personal Estate with what can be spared of the Crop in the Ground as shall pay all my debts and the remaining part of all my Estate real and personal I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Catherine during her natural life to bring up my children untill they come to the age of fifteen years and then to be bound to such Trades as they shall chuse or as my Executors think most proper for them if in case she does not dy nor marry, but if she should either die or marry that then all my Estate Real and personal shall be sold and all my children shall be bound out to treads, but if she should marry that then the money arising therefrom to be divided in the following manner and form that whereas my son John has had to the amount of forty four pounds and my daughter Eleanor has had to the amount of thirty one pound six shillings, it is my will that all the rest of my children shall be made equill with them if there should be enough and if any remains after they are made equill that then it shall be divided equally amongst my wife and all my children...I constitute make and ordain my trusty and beloved friend William Arnold and my well beloved son William Haden my only and sole executors..." (8)
This will became the subject of a lawsuit in 1839 that resulted in the sale and distribution of the Hayden estate.
Basil Hayden administered the sale of the estate and sold "Glendorick" and part of "John's Pleasant Meadow" to William Ward in 1843 and 134 acres of "Friendship Completed" to Lewis Trumbo for $1800 one year later. The notices advertising these sales and describing the property read as follows:
"ONE FARM, Containing 134 Acres, more or less, lying on the road leading from Westminster to Washington city, about three quarters of a mile from Westminster. The improvements upon the said farm, consist of a Log Dwelling House, one story and a half high; Barn and other necessary outhouses; a fine dairy immediately below a Spring of most excellent water. The convenience of this farm to the county seat, renders it a very desirable situation. The land is of a very improvable quality and not remote from abundant supplies of limestone. A few years of husbandlike management would increase its value to double its present rate. If however, purchasers can be better suited, it will be divided into lots of five and ten acres, and thus sold.
A SMALL FARM of about 80 Acres, a short distance below, being about three miles from Westminster and one mile from the Baltimore and Reisterstown turnpike road 2E This farm has no improvements upon it. -- It has, however, all the conveniences which would make it a pleasant residence. About one third of it is excellent TIMBER, Hickory, Oak, and Chestnut of good quality. Also, excellent springs of water, &c. Terms made known on day of the sale. Basil Hayden, Trustee" (11)
Catherine lived for 35 years without William. She is listed in the 1810 U.S. Census as the head of a household of three males and three females and the 1837 tax lists enumerate her as owning 134 acres of "Friendship". Catherine passed on in October of that year, at the age of 83. Her son , Basil, administered her estate and ran the following newspaper ad on January 12, 1838:
"Notice is hereby given that the subscriber of Carroll Co. hath obtained from the Orphan's Court of said county, letters of administration on the personal estate of CATHERINE HAYDEN, late of Carroll Co., deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers, to the subscriber, within the time limited by law. They may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefits of said estate. Those indebted are requested to make immediate payment. Basil Hayden, Adm'r" (10)
Both William and Catherine were buried in St. John's Catholic Cemetery, in Westminster, Carroll Co., Maryland. (5)
(1) "Let's Meet The Old Folks", by J. Hampton Baumgartner, 1944, courtesy of Historical Society of Carroll County.
(2) Little, Millie Albert, The Chronicles of the Little - Lee and Albert - Buckingham Families, Westminster, MD., 1936.
(3) 1773, 1783, 1798, 1837 Tax Lists, Baltimore and Carroll Counties, MD.
(4) 1790 and 1810 U.S. Censuses, Baltimore County, Maryland.
(5) Scharf, John T., A History of Western Maryland, Regional Publishing Co., Baltimore, Maryland, 1968. Originally published in 1882.
(6) Brumbaugh, G. M., Revolutionary Records of Maryland, 1924.
(7) Donnelly, Sister Mary Louise, Rapier, Hayden, and Allied Families of Colonial Maryland and Kentucky.
(8) Will of William Haden, Baltimore Co., MD, June 30, 1802.
(9) Equity Case #41, "Basil Hayden v. John Hayden," Carroll Co., Maryland 1839.
(10) Westminster Carrolltonian, January 12, 1838.
(11) Westminster Carrolltonian, August 23, 1839, as included in (9)