Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Temple Terrace Little League Baseball 1957

The "Builders" Little League Baseball Team
Temple Terrace (Tampa), Florida 1957

My brother, Michael Dean, far right, front row, kneeling.


  1. What a fantastic photo! Thanks for sharing.

  2. When we lived in Tampa by sons bowled on the Temple Terrace (Terrace Sports) youth bowling league!

    Great picture!


  3. OMG, Lisa! I am friends with the guy who owns all the bowling alleys in Tampa (or did). That's awesome. Yay! There are bloggers out there that lived in Tampa!! Woohooo! I grew up here from the 50s on. I'm thinking Terrace Sports was the place on what is now Busch Boulevard...used to be 56th St. That is one of the first places I ever bowled!

  4. Oops, I mean Busch Blvd. used to be Temple Terrace Hwy. but that bowling alley was near the intersection of T.T.Hwy and 56th st. I am just sure that is the one you are talking about! Small world!

  5. Oh my goodness...that photo reminds me of my entire childhood! My dad coached my three younger brothers in youth baseball for many, many years! Brings back good memories!

  6. I am thrilled to find your blog. My brother, my son, my nephew and my granddaughter played for Temple Terrace Little League. My brother, Mark Williams, was on the only TT Senior League team to go to the Little League World Series. That was in that was in 1972. My granddaughter, Candy Brady, was the first girl to play for TT Little League. Needless to say, we love TT still, and all of us still live here.
